Lived Experience Advisory Committee

Sarah is a social worker and early career academic who also has lived experience of out-of-home care. She’s passionate about incorporating lived experience within her professional practices, whether that be contributing to academic literature and/or projects, or working collaboratively with organisations to create programs that are trauma-informed and therapeutically aligned.
In her personal life, Sarah is an avid concert goer, both nationally and internationally. Music has always played a major role in her healing journey, she plays and composes her own music as a form of therapeutic creation, across mediums of vocals, piano and cello.
Luis is currently studying a Diploma of Community Services. He has lived experience both as young person who struggled with homelessness and as a young parent at 18. Now at 24, Luis has his five-year old son in his full time care. When he’s not at Bridge it, Luis enjoys being a dad, painting and playing board games with friends.
Brea is a fierce and passionate human rights advocate and intersectional feminist. She was exposed to youth homelessness during her year 12 VCE studies in a rural town three hours north of Melbourne. As a result, Brea resided in an out-of-home care facility with 39 other young people who each had their own unique experiences and diversity. This was the pivotal moment for Brea when she was exposed to intersectionality and the passion for being a voice for the voiceless was ignited. Brea has taken her advocacy efforts as far as both State and Federal Parliament.
Brea is a lover of all things pink, is a politics, philosophy and economics student and is often referred to as the real life ‘Elle Woods’. She enjoys pole dancing, reading, going to the gym and chatting her friends ears off!